First impressions of HCMC

All of the back up plans were unnecessary and the weather gods had a bit of a grin on. That made sure our travel plans were uninterrupted and a safe arrival in Ho Chi Minh City was a done deal. The only blemish on the airport arrival routine was when the bag carousel got stuck... glad it wasn't one of our bags that got wedged in the carousel so badly that it took at least 3 men and even more minutes to quieten the annoying beeping siren and get the bags moving again!

The hotel we picked is in District 1 - the heart of the city. Despite the time difference from home and the long travel day, we were pretty determined to get out and about for a quick look-see on the first night. A couple of easy road crossings and we found a genuine local place that allowed us to sit at small chairs and tables on the street with a couple of cold beers and people-watch.

The traffic is as crazy as we were told about, the pedestrians are a fair match for the traffic and so far, all of the people have been very polite and welcoming. We are looking forward to tucking into some real local food in the coming days.

A local bike vendor


  1. You'll be feeling the heat at the mo after leaving the cold climes of Welly. I've heard how caiotic the streets are in Asia but yet to experience them. Enjoy the food.

  2. Looks like with the traffic it means you won't be on bikes


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